Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Coast Photographer Riley Smith’s Urban Golf Experience

Posted in Uncategorized on February 12, 2010 by P

In addition to the great pic in The Coast’s posting yesterday Riley Smith (Coast photographer and Free lance reporter) came out and shot us for quite a long time last week.

We were stoked as his work is some of the best that the Coast has published (his portfolio may be found here):

He posted a few more pics from that day on his blog that we wanted to share:

Urban Golf

Editorial photography has to be one of my favorite things to do. You just never know who, or what, it is that you will be covering next . On one of my recent assignments I had the fortune of photographing Urban Golf.

Now as a guy who grew up skateboarding, I can sympathize with theperils of takin it to the street.

I certainly wouldn’t equate Halifax Urban Golf with the stereotypical golf experiece
These guys have real Street cred, and why pay green fees when you can hit the crete for free.
Please checkout and follow Riley’s new blog at:
Thanks for coming out with us Riley and we look forward to having you out again with us soon.
Respect: P.

How to reach us

Posted in Uncategorized on February 11, 2010 by P

Off Spring Garden

Since The Coast article is out and it has this blog on it for people to learn more about lesser golf I just wanted to point out that if you want to try to play you can contact us you can come hitround with our crew.  Contact us by:

Join us on Twitter:

On Facebook:

By email:

All the best and we hope to hear from you soon!


Have Clubs, Will Travel: How to Prep Your Clubs for Travel

Posted in Uncategorized on February 10, 2010 by P
Have clubs will travel

All that a swinger needs for a trip to the Olympics. The key to successful travel is to bring half the clothes and twice the money...

I am  beginning this blog posting writing in the airport lounge in Halifax, Canada as the birds who have taken up residence swoop low above my head preying on errand fries and, I assume, unattended children.  I am listening to people exchange regurgitated and mundane facts about the Super Bowl (which I didn’t watch nor care about the Super Bowl other than FREE CHILI!!!) and it makes me wonder what sort of net benefit the SB gives to us as a society.  I would say little to none; especially if you think of the opportunity cost of the activity of watching it. 6.7 million Canadians watched it this past weekend. What if 6.7 millions Canadians took the time to do a beach clean up, or wrote letters to the MPs or volunteered for a day to any beneficial end? It is a sad thought to think of how sports along with junk food have become the bread and circus of our post-classical civilization.

This blog, beyond that diatribe is not going to be action packed (quite frankly if you aren’t a lesser golfer I would consider skipping this one all together).   I am headed out west to take in the Olympics which suits me fine as there are so many shows (about 10 a day) and I got a paid gig to do consulting that it makes it worth my time to head the 8000km.  Robert Louis Stevenson best encapsulated my motivation: “I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move”.

(I caught the plane at this point and I am now writing this in a Cafe on Davies St. in Vancouver)

So, I am on the road for about a month (I decided to do an open ended ticket) as I have work in Vancouver and meetings in Toronto, friends in Ottawa and friends and family in Montreal (plus all the intangible things that always leads people like me to the jewel of North America that is this city on the St. Lawrence).  Normally it would not be worth taking my clubs on the road (since they can be bought for about $10 total in second hand stores), however as I have 4 cities on this jaunt I have decided to check out how one would travel with them if one is so inclined.

Visual representation of potential club damage

First I wanted to see what regulatory barriers bringing clubs might exist and the most likely damage that potentially could be incurred to my clubs.  After speaking to someone who works at WestJet at the YHZ airport they said that there was no real “barriers” in terms of rules but that loose clubs could be lost or potentially “beheaded” in transit (more of a problem with woods, apparently- insert Tiger Woods and wife golf club joke here). I was told I had to prep them for travel by securing them to a board unless I had a bag (which I do but never use and certainly won’t have on the road) and secure their heads if I wished to avoid damage.

The following is a crash course in prepping lesser golf clubs for travel.

Good wood protects irons

First look for a proper length of wood to secure your clubs worth. This will be easier if your clubs are about the same length. I am travelling with a 5 iron and 9 iron which means they aren’t too different in size. Turn the club faces to face each other on opposite sides of the board so they cradle the board between them.

Secure heads to wood

Next secure them with tape (I used hockey as it is handy and easily to tear off at trails end) at both ends. You will want to leave a bit of space between the board and the club shaft for a baggage ticket to be attached.  I also suggest you write your name and some contact information (and the name of this blog [word up]) to the board in case the ticket tears away and someone in baggage has got to deal with getting them back to you (most airlines do to-door service).

Secure heads

Secure heads to each other to avoid catching

Next try to secure the heads to both the board and to each other in a manner that minimizes the chances it will catch on anything in the transport process. There is apparently tonnes of cases of heads of clubs getting ripped off in transport; this genuinely surprises me as I have seen guys who treat their golf gear better than they treat their wives.

Cover head with cardboard or canvas bag to cover club heads

Finally, cover the taped heads with some sort of canvas or cardboard to keep it all from your hard work and tape from tearing away.   Loose ends are no good. You don’t want it to get your gear caught in machinery, and you certainly don’t want to arrive without them (mainly because it’s barely worth the effort of trying to get second hand clubs back, really).

When I showed up to the counter at WestJet I had to explain the game of urban golf in its entirety to Dan who was curious as to why I was travelling with the package pictured above (I think Dan was his name…I was more than half asleep) Once he caught to the idea of the game he was stoked and will be joining us for a game.  On the plane, in a stroke of extreme good luck (if you know me very well it is one that is becoming a trend on these east-west flights) I sat next to a girl of French/Swedish heritage who will be hosting me for a night or two in Whistler and we will be hitting the links in that mountain community; a great addition to going out with some of the Vancouver founders.

In transit I strongly suggest you carry a ball or two with you… you might have to wait a while for a shuttle or drive and airports have tonnes of paved surfaces and bored people. After picking up my clubs I actually got to chip around outside of the Vancouver airport with an anarchist while waiting for a friend to arrive so we could take the Canada line into town, this was stopped abruptly by a member of the Olympic welcoming committee.  The site of someone (who does not look like a typical golfer) with old, beat up golf clubs in mid-winter (if you can call 12°C weather “winter) meant I ended up entertaining questions as I traveled through Vancouver’s efficient, gleaming new transport system.

All in all the trip was a positive, it allowed me to get a few more people initiated to the game and that was worth the 10 minutes and 5 ft of hockey tape.

Weather front over the Rockies

I guess the one thing I have learned about this game thus far is that it travels quickly. Both with and without us.

Respect (from Vancity):P.

A Call for Donations of Clubs

Posted in Uncategorized on February 7, 2010 by P

We are suffering from a severe shortage of equipment and could use donations of old, unused clubs to keep the lesser golf ball rolling

Well, things are chugging along for our lesser golfing crew here (an others throughout the country), but there are signs we may be growing a bit too quickly.  In truth, we are becoming victims of our own success and it is manifesting itself in that we have more people than we can provide clubs for at the moment.

This having been said: if you are reading this and you can spare an old set of clubs (that you don’t mind donating) for a group of people enjoying the city and building community please contact us as:

They will be loved, used and reused over and over by people who would really appreciate having them around.

Or, if you are a regular urban golfers it may be time to drop the $4.00 and hit your second hand store for some clubs.


Respect: P

Urban Golf from 1971

Posted in Firsts, Pop Culture, Uncategorized, Video with tags , , , on January 16, 2010 by P

I want to thank C.Candy for hooking us up with the following urban golf classic.  I am starting to realize that urban golfing is maybe a little out of the ordinary… enough for a comedy skit. Enjoy!

It's Halifax… It Could be Sunny by Tee-Time

Posted in Uncategorized on December 18, 2009 by P

Well this is perfect… I mean it.  The first day that we are headed out on the town (proper) to do a 9-hole round is today and despite the fact it wasn’t supposed to snow it did yesterday.  No worries.  This is Halifax, it could hail, snow, sun and rain fish before this afternoon.

The plan is to kick it along behind Propeller Brewery and the Paragon to start (North), then West to the Commons, south past the skate park, diagonal over the hill a then through a bunch of underused spaces, some parking garages, along the waterfront through the Pit, down Terminal to Garrison.  No idea how long this will take… figure on a few hours at least.  There will be beer breaks at some of Halifax’s finest establishments (or whatever’s handy) and a case at the end.

If our goal is to see the city this is a great way to do it.  During the snow when most people maybe don’t take the time.   It’s a shame; there is still a novel element to winter and the snow is still sort of white.  It will go hard and grey soon.

We will be taking pics this afternoon and evening.  Check back later for whatever comes out of certainly an eventful night.

For those who DM us on twitter: We are certain that this is not illegal since we aren’t using golf balls.  If they are gonna stop us they are going to have to stop every dog walker and street hockey player in the city…

If anyone wants to know more our email is:


Urban Golf in Portland

Posted in Uncategorized on December 16, 2009 by B.B. Roskeworth


Urban Golf in NYC

Posted in Uncategorized on December 16, 2009 by B.B. Roskeworth


Feel the Pain

Posted in Uncategorized on December 16, 2009 by B.B. Roskeworth

Get stoked; don’t hit people with your clubs.